GDPR compliance isn’t a one-off – it must be maintained.
You might believe that you can relax and can put the rules to the back of your mind. But compliance is not a one-time exercise, and if you want to stay within the law your company needs to constantly reassess its security procedures and practices.
Additionally, some businesses make the mistake of believing that Brexit will affect the GDPR – perhaps that the legislation will cease to be the law after the UK leaves the European Union. Brexit is no reason to assume that these new rules will cease to apply, however.
Data processing
There are many factors that can influence organisations’ ability to maintain GDPR compliance. For example, as businesses grow, it is natural that they will incur increased levels of data processing. With these increased levels comes an elevated risk that something can go wrong.
It is also important to consider that the interpretation of the law may change over time. Grey areas in the regulation will be challenged– so your business will need to stay up to date with the latest developments.
A company can monitor and maintain GDPR compliance in several ways. The most important – and the first one to broach – is to make sure that sophisticated software is used. This will allow a comprehensive way to achieve, maintain and manage GDPR compliance.
Additionally, while you may have taken the time to inform your current staff about the GPDR, it is also important to factor GDPR training into your onboarding process and make sure that new staff members understand the rules and their roles in maintaining compliance.
It is also very important to make sure that you receive the right support to make sure that as legislation evolves and changes, that your company remains compliant.
Our advanced iCaaS software is a cloud-based solution that offers an all-in-one service. Our consultant-led service gives business owners, from sole traders to PLCs, peace of mind and confidence that their processes and policies are all GDPR compliant.
We have a UK-based team of GDPR-certified specialists to ensure your business meets the standards required to demonstrate GDPR compliance to the ICO.
Our service includes:
Initial Audit
A comprehensive review of all procedures and processes within the business so that a complete understanding of the compliance task is recorded.
Gap Analysis
A full gap analysis will identify the main areas for improvement in your current data protection policies and processes.
After the initial audit and gap analysis have been completed, we will produce a full report outlining areas of weakness and non-compliance. Further recommendations and actions will also be provided.
New industry-specific documentation will be created and implemented, as per our recommendations with the report.
All updated processes & procedures are tested to ensure GDPR compliance. A report about the completed works will be written, and will be signed off by the Data Support Agency
Ongoing support and training are available to help your business maintain its GDPR compliance.
As part of our consultancy, our dedicated GDPR support team will be available to help answer your questions about GDPR. Every member of our UK-based support team is a GDPR certified specialist. You can contact them by live chat, email and phone.