iCaaS are delighted to be speaking at the Call & Contact Centre Expo on March 19th at London’s ExCel.
Not only is this a fantastic opportunity to talk about how our solution can help call and contact centres who deal with vast amounts of data on a daily basis, it is also a chance to network with the industry’s top professionals.
Call centres have a responsibility to safely store customer data. And as data privacy regulations have strict guidelines on the collection and retention of consumers’ personal data, secure and compliant storage of customer data is vital.
Ensuring the integrity of other stored data when removing personal data is also crucial to any call centre or tele marketing industry.
Assessing the call centre’s level of preparedness to handle new customers in relation to evolving requirements should be a key focus for every organisation.
The GDPR affects all companies who do anything with personal data.
Call centres in particular deal with data in a variety of mediums such as text, telephone, email, webchat or even social media. And in some organisations, they use call recording.
The GDPR requires that companies exhibit high accountability for managing and handling customer data. A significant component of this mandate relates to creating documented policies to give staff clear instructions on these data protection requirements, and being ready to address any concerns that regulators might have.
Companies not only need to ensure they can provide this protection but they need to evidence it, too. Do you have appropriate processes in place to ensure that you show you respect subject rights and that a data subject can enforce those rights when they choose to?
At the Expo on Thursday 19th March @2pm, Megan Kane, Head of Data Privacy @ iCaaS, will be discussing how to “Win higher close rates through compliance”.
Her seminar will educate delegates on how to work compliantly with the GDPR whilst making and receiving calls. They will walk away knowing how to identify and handle Subject Access Requests (SAR)’s and Data Breaches, as well as being educated on which steps to take to avoid non-compliance with the regulation in their day-to-day jobs. 3 key delegate takeaways from session:
• The importance of staff training
• Real-life risks and how to avoid them
• Recognising and handling SAR’s and Data Breaches
Get your free tickets to the Expo here: https://www.callandcontactcentreexpo.co.uk/why-attend/?DgMa&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwP3yBRCkARIsAABGiPqsDlFH-1ttkXCYi6IEK7wUpKrkIE-qj0HrnjpCSkTxQXRCbKis34EaAjwmEALw_wcB
Read more here from the Call & Contact Centre Expo where they look at the Top Tech Trends in Contact Centres: https://www.callandcontactcentreexpo.co.uk//news/blog.asp?blog_id=21493